Thursday 14 November 2019

Writing Unit 2 Opinion eassey (veganism)

why  haven´t people become vegetarian?

Is veganism a right choice? Is Veganism a good lifestyle? more than 15% of population of the European Union are vegan and in our opinion It's harmful for people.

First of all, thtough history we can see that humans had been eating meat since the very beginner. Vegetarian resources were scare, so people had to be nomads to find more food. Being nomadic requires a big amount of energy that is why they had to hunt a lot. Meat has a high quality of protein, there are a lot of scientists that say that meat enables the human brain to get larger and develop.

Secondly, a lot of vegan people say that butchers are slaughtering animals using violent methods to do it. Of course we are against these methods but It's not an excuse to forbid meat because there are a lot of ecological butcher methods 

In coclusion, we believe that veganism doesn't hyelp animals but It's an ideology that we have to respect. However, these people have to research more information about animals and then choose the way that they like.

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